Aug 1, 2024

5 tips to drive more sales with video marketing

Sunny Kumar

Are you struggling in driving more sales? Well, you are not alone. Using video to grow your reach is more valuable than ability to write code in the modern world.

5 tips to drive more sales with video marketing

5 tips to drive more sales with video marketing

Are you struggling in driving more sales? Well, you are not alone. Using video to grow your reach is more valuable than ability to write code in the modern world.

Distribution > Features

What is Video Marketing?

Do you know that 65% of the population is visual learner which means they learn via visuals and these visuals entice them.

We bet you must have heard of the adage, “ A picture is worth a thousand words”. If that’s true, imagine what a video could do for engaging your audience and elucidating a convoluted concept. Moreover, watching and listening is always preferred to reading. In short video marketing is all about using video content to reach your desired audience and promote your brand, service, or product. It’s a part of digital marketing not only limited to your sales but you can also use it for social media engagement, improving customer service, and for many other reasons.

Humans are visual creatures that rely a lot on verbal cues for interaction. Our brain processes visual content at an incredibly high speed We love to see whatever attracts us that’s why we spend hours on Youtube, Facebook and not to forget TikTok. Potential customers are more inclined towards engaging content that can bind them. Video Marketing has verified itself to be one of the most powerful strategies for promoting and growing one’s brand online. These videos implant the product in the psyche of the potential customers.

In this digitally forward business era, video marketing is no longer an option but a necessity for marketers. Nowadays, it is omnipresent in the industry and everyone is harnessing its potential.

So, today in this blog we are going to tell you the top five ways to drive more sales with video marketing which are:


When it comes to escalating sales, it is all about how you showcase your product. Static images are a thing of the past. Today we are living in an era of video the advertisement.

A product video is an informative advertisement that highlights product features and showcases what it can do. In a video, you need to show how your product takes an edge over that of the product of the competitors. you can unveil the strengths, like quality, efficiency, and ease of use, for generating the interest of your audience.

There’s no second thought in the fact that a significant portion of the population prefers to consume video content. Videos in particular are known to explain products to consumers better. It boosts the confidence of consumers in your brand and increases sales conversion rates.
According to some of the  business analysts, using videos on landing pages can increase conversion rates by up to 80%. This is because videos are more engaging, increase the time visitors spend on our website, and also arouse a sense of trust in customers. This translates to a high-converting landing page, making video a powerful tool for boosting your campaign's success.


Trust in a brand is a prime factor in making a purchase and that is something companies need to work for. In order to gain trust in your product you surely need someone to endorse it.

Here, social proof helps us a lot. It is a vital factor that helps to influence and convince an indecisive audience for your product. People often look to what others have done when making decisions. They want to be reassured that they are making the correct decision and so they cast about testimonials before buying. Many research found that around 60% of the consumers watch product reviews videos before making the final call.

Testimonials can also take the form of reviews, likes, votes, views, or comments on your videos. These folks are your best advocates. Displaying your happiest customers’ testimonials on your website will help you to establish trust and likability in your brand. Seeing human faces in front of the camera talking about how superb your product is and how much you’ve helped them in resolving their issues humanizes your brand and increases the trust of your audience in it which ultimately drives more sales.


There is a maxim that “If you’re marketing to everyone, you are ultimately marketing to no one” and this seems to be true with video marketing.

If you want to grab the attention of your audience, start focusing on their needs, wants, preferences, also determine what type of video they like, which medium/ platform they are using for consuming video content, etc.

Understand the ins and outs of your target audience. Always keep in mind that you're trying to drive more sales with your video marketing strategy, you can't afford to shoot out of the blues and waste your hard-earned money. You must create targeted videos that hook your audience in a way they love and on the platforms they throng.

Once you understand your target audience, you’d be able to create targeted videos that provide value to your customers. You need to do your research and have a transparent understanding of your audience’s needs and preferences.

To do this, you must know:

  • What channels they're using to consume video.
  • What their language is.
  • What challenges they are facing, which you can provide a solution for.


A video thumbnail is a static image that works as a sneak peek for your video. It’s kind of like a book cover. And, like a book cover, it should allure viewers to want to see more. A good thumbnail makes you want to watch the video.

It’s really annoying, isn’t it?

When we put so much effort in creating our video content, yet no one clicks them! (Don’t worry, it happens to most of the people and they can surely relate to this).The most likely possibility is that users aren’t clicking on your content because the thumbnail image you’ve chosen is dull or not related to the topic or not catchy enough to attract them.

Without adopting this technique for your video, you’re locking your content in a room that has lots of wealth but no one has the key to open it. In the world of  digital marketing, you get one chance to make a first impression, and that’s through your video’s thumbnail. If your thumbnail fails to attract your audience, they won’t click on your content. It’s as simple as that.

Thus, keep the power of a strong and catchy thumbnail in mind while uploading a video on a particular platform. Think like a potential customer in terms of “What attracts the most” and follow that.


Storytelling is an incredible asset for marketing and sales professionals because it is one of the best ways to boost more traffic and helps to build trust which ultimately drives more sales for the company.

Viewers often neglect the various data and statistics that are shared, but they remember funny or inspirational stories that connect and bind with them emotionally. Stories are the best way to communicate a complex situation or idea.

The better you tell stories about yourselves, the more likely your viewers are going to understand what your company is offering and what it can do for them.

Just to align it with a broader picture do remember that sometimes narrating a small yet powerful story can make wonders happen. There are many successful examples of this strong tool which acted as a catalyst to get more traffic on the video content and thus, resulting in driving more sales.


Video has become an inevitable part of marketing, because it can facilitate a more personal connection with your prospects and clients.

Video marketing is here to stay, and you can expect exponential growth in the coming years as more people appreciate the benefits of using videos. Just don't create your video marketing strategy haphazardly. Take time to study your target audience and leverage  the required tools that are at your disposal to create video content that is useful to your viewers.

Making marketing videos for your business requires a creative mind and a knack of human psychology that can touch the cords of your potential customers. A balanced amalgamation of these components makes it possible to create real miracles in generating sales.

Happy Selling!