Secure videos online

Protect your videos from unauthorised access

Domain security

Domain security allows you can specify which websites are permitted/authorised to embed your video. Videos will not play on websites that are not listed and an error message will be shown

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How to secure videos?

Video security in 3 steps?


Record or upload your video

How to compress a video

Enable security features

Share or download

Share your videos privately

Password Protection

Securing your video with password protection is an effective way to privately share your video. Users will have to manually enter the password to watch the video

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HLS encryption

HLS encryptions adds an extra layer of security to your video by encrypting the videos and prevents unauthorised downloads of the videos

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Customer love

Our customer love our simple yet powerful video platform

“Vadootv is an excellent video & audio hosting with HD, HLS & CTAs”
Vadootv review- HD video, HLS & CTAs
Aleksandr Soloninov
Software Engineer
“One of best video hosting solution, an alternative to Youtube & Vimeo”
Vadootv vs Vimeo vs Youtube
Adam L
VP, Marketing

Frequently asked questions.

How do I secure a video?

1) Password Protected Video
2) Domain Restriction and Security
3) Scheduled videos with expiration links
4) HLS Encryption

How do I share a video securely?

The simplest to share a video is to upload
the video on a video hosting platform like
Vadootv, Vimeo or YouTube and share a private
link. One can also use cloud hosting platform
like Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to host
and share the video file securely.

Where can I upload private videos?

1) Vadootv
2) Vimeo Pro
3) YouTube
4) Wistia

Simple online
Video Hosting to build better and faster.

The easy way to host, manage & distribute videos.
Upload a video or try a sample, for free!

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